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/ E3 2005 - SCEE Presents …deo Footage DVD) (Europe) / E3 2005 - SCEE Presents the Year Ahead (Video Footage DVD) (Europe).iso < prev   
CD Disc Image  |  2005-01-01  |  4GB

This file was processed as: CD Disc Image (archive/iso).

You can browse this item here: E3 2005 - SCEE Presents the Year Ahead (Video Footage DVD) (Europe).iso

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert CD Disc Image (iso) magic
99% dexvert Raw Partition (rawPartition) magic
10% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
100% file UDF filesystem data (version 1.5) 'PROJECT_10_V2' default
99% file data default
99% TrID null bytes default
0% TrID MacBinary 1 default
0% TrID Adobe PhotoShop Brush default
0% TrID Memo File Apollo Database Engine default
0% TrID VXD Driver default
100% siegfried fmt/468 ISO Disk Image File default